Here you can find some exercises that will help you practise some basic skills in English phonetics. When you enter the site you will be prompted for your login and password. If you have not already registered you can do so by using the link below.
Enter your email address (to be used as your login name) in the text box and an auto-generated password will be sent to this address. No other information will be stored. The reason why you need to register is that you must have a unique user name for the program to function properly.
There seems to be a problem sending confirmation mails to a few major providers, e.g. Gmail and Hotmail. Mails to these accounts end up in the spam/unwanted mail folder. So if you do not receive an email with your password within a few minutes, then first check your spam/unwanted mail folders. If that fails, then send me an email and I will add/register you manually. Christian, Phonex admin.
If you have any problems, please email
NB! Note that both login (e-mail address) and password are case sensitive!